Monday, October 31, 2005



Went camping at Lake Texana over the weekend. A good time was had by all, and I captured some images with my optical trapper keeper.

note on the music: I wrote the contra-bass and viola lines at about half the tempo that it is currently... but somewhere down the line, I must've hit the wrong button and it came out like a "march". So, I filled it out with some snare drum and piccalo and kept it at the fast tempo -- simply because it amused me. It reminds me of the Hogan's Heroes theme.

Old Video - Secret Crushes

Secret Crushes

This is the first fully-produced, home computer video I had ever done... circa March 2000. My job at the time used a Media 100 system to make the bad car commercials, but the boss was kind of a jerk and we couldn't use the computers for any personal stuff. Anyway, I got a fairly cheap All-In-Wonder video card ($150 at the time), digitized in some camcorder footage, and edited it on the free software that came with the video card. The one thing I remember was that there wasn't a "live" preview, so it was difficult to synch the audio and video. So, I had to assemble the pieces, render it out, check the synch, and adjust it back in the program --- over and over.

Sadly, the original footage is on an old (dead) hard drive, and the only version existing is 160x120, at 12fps. So, I touched it up a bit and rendered it back out to 320x240. It's not great, but with the software I had, I'm pretty happy with it. I did another video for a song called "Ever Song", but I still need to track it down.

The band has long since departed, but feel free to check out some more music here.

music - me and Myla.

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Jetsons.

The Jetsons.

I was watching the show on Boomerang last night, and it got me thinking... of course, I doubt I'm the first person to have this thought. In fact, the whole "superimpose destruction footage over children's programming" thing is fairly played-out. Oh well -- I'm just a hack.

Jetsons copyright infringment, courtesy of a web page not updated since 1999.
Other footage, from

Thursday, October 27, 2005



Shots of our bearded dragon, Annie. And some other stuff. I'm not sure what motivated me here... but it's only about 30 seconds long, so you won't waste too much of your life.

If you freeze the shot at one point, you can see my face. And no, it's not blurry... that's actually how I look. Scary, huh?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cat Fight v.2

Cat Fight v.2

To recap: footage of my cats playing - a few techno loops - mix thouroughly - simmer at 423 degrees - Cat Fight v.1

So I decided to take the same footage and try and make it a bit more light-hearted. I was searching the web for some Batman TV sounds, and all the ones I got were pretty crappy. Also, I couldn't find the whole theme, and the loop gets a bit annoying after a few seconds. Also, also, the video gets a bit long in places... but it's only 1 minute total, so it's not too bad. Also, also, also, I'm sure I could make it a lot "cooler" if I put more time into it, but I'm not that invested in this particular footage.

Cat Fight v.1

Cat Fight v.1

It's weird how cats have garnered such a high place in the blogosphere. I know on a lot of political blogs, they do Friday Cat Blogging -- in an effort to "lighten" the typical mood of politics. And I've seen LOTS of video blogs about cats.

Well, I had some footage of my cats playing around, so I created a couple of simple techno-y loops and beats and mixed it with my cats. I also created a second version...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

our Backyard.

our Backyard.

it was a lazy Saturday afternoon, so we sat in the backyard and chatted until the mosquitoes came out. The dog is a stray (apparently) who got into our yard through a hole in the fence... and he smelled pretty bad. He also doesn't seem too keen on the game of "fetch".

music: me... aiming for something "pastoral", and dammit... I think I achieved it... in bounds.

Monday, October 24, 2005



Kind of like Jon Lovitz on SNL: "Get to know me!" There's other stuff about me, too... but there's plenty of time for that.

After surfing a whole lot of video blogs, I've realize that "Minima Black" is a very popular Blogspot template. Weird. It's kinda neat how most video bloggers are really into getting others to video blog as well. That seems to be a unique occurance in the blogosphere.

video of strange children:
music: a simple, happy ditty I wrote and am quite fond of.



Not much really. a bunch of crowd footage. maybe they're boycotting something... that would make it "meaningful".

Other than that, it's just the name of the blog darting all around, with some random sounds in the background. That kinda just rhymed.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Key - video remix

The Key.

This is a video remix of other videos done by other people. Got the idea from here. I think I used just about every video listed for various parts. I named it "The Key" because I was playing around with various ways to key out video.

The music: me

Thursday, October 20, 2005

In the Morning.

In the Morning.

Fairly standard morning routine. The black cat in the hallway is "Mini", she's crazy. The other cat is "Lil' Crust". The coffee is "Folgers". The Astros shirt is simply because they won the National League Penant last night.

music: all me

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Old Video - Adios Mofo.

Adios Mofo.

Our illustrious governor, Rick Perry, was caught on camera telling a TV anchor "Adios, Mofo". I took the clip, edited it, and set it to a techno beat. from June 2005

Old Video - Put it Back

Put it Back.

Federal courts ordered a 10 Commandments monument be taken out of an Alabama court house... one man had his own way of dealing with it. from August 2003

Old Video - Start Smoking.

Start Smoking. Be Cool.

There is a reason to start smoking. But I've quit since I made this video. from July 2001.

This is actually one of the first "internet" ready videos I ever made. The only copy I could find was in Real Media format, so this Quicktime re-encode is pretty harsh.

music: "Hemorrhage" by Fuel. the only reason for the song is that I had it on my desktop and didn't feel like looking for something else.

My Drive to Work.

It's the eagerly anticipated sequel (or maybe it's a pre-quel) to the ever popular "My Drive Home.": My Drive to Work.

music: me

My Drive Home.

My Drive Home.

Put simply - this is what it looks like when I drive home from work... or at the very least, what it feels like.

music: by me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

People in the break-room

People in the break-room

It was lunchtime and I had a leftover hamburger that was waiting to be microwaved. But some of my co-workers were chatting in the break-room... and I didn't feel like talking to anyone. So I waited.

first post
